What can I expect?
a. An initial session (no cost) to get to know each other, talk about expectations and determine if this is a good fit. If both you and I feel comfortable we will commit to meeting regularly for a year and then re-evaluate.
b. We will meet monthly for one hour. We will seek to set a regular day and time each month, but can flex as needed.
c. We will meet virtually by videocall using zoom or a platform of your choice. A voice call is fine occasionally but video is preferable. Post-pandemic face to face meetings can be arranged at a place of mutual agreement.
d. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let me know no later than the day before. It will be your responsibility to initiate rescheduling.
e. Each session is unique to you and may include conversation, questions, and curiosity; silent sitting before the gaze of Jesus, listening for His voice; imaginative and interactive prayer. We will seek to pay attention to the movements of God’s grace and love in and around you, and how you respond to Him, His presence and perceived absence, so that you will grow in greater awareness of and intimacy with the risen Jesus.
f. I ask you to spend time in prayer and reflection on your month in preparation for our time together. Bring your questions, how you have sensed God’s presence or felt His absence, where you are wrestling, what burden are you carrying, what you are longing for, where you are seeing grace and growing in trust.
g. After the initial session, the cost is $100 per session (no additional cost if the time runs over an hour and no discount if it goes less than an hour). Payment can be made through the Donate link on this website. A lower rate can be available. I encourage you to pray and ask Jesus what you are to pay.
h. Everything discussed in spiritual direction is confidential. However, I am required by law to report abuse or danger to self or others. In addition, without revealing identities, I may share stories from spiritual direction with my supervisory group for the purpose of learning and growth. Upon request, I have a guideline for ethical conduct for spiritual directors.
i. Through this process God just might give you insight or freedom from past obstacles, reveal a new and transformative next step, or simply reassure you and give you greater confidence for where you are at. I commit to praying for you to go deeper in God’s love.